Despite using it for work on and off for years, I've recently discovered that I love Twitter.
Yes, I realize I am late to the party and all the cool kids left for Insta, SnapChat and whatever other social media platform blossomed in the last 30 seconds, but I'll admit it: I'm addicted to hashtag games. My favorite lately is #sixwordstory, a wonderful throwback to Six Word Memoirs and the accompanying book. So, what better way to introduce myself in post #1, then with a few six word stories.
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About DeniseDenise reads romance novels, writes research papers, can be found humming "Baby Shark" long after her toddler has gone to bed, and loves ruining her character's lives but then giving them happily ever afters. She is a member of Romance Writers of America® and a 2019 Golden Heart® Finalist, and her debut novel HOW TO FAIL AT FLIRTING will be out fall 2020 from Berkley. Archives
May 2021