August in the Williams house started out with my returning to my campus and my son returning to day care. Life felt a little bit normal for a couple weeks until we were exposed to someone who tested positive and went back into quarantine for 14 days. That on top of everything else going on has kept me up at night, but an upside to that has been lots of time to read, so I thought I'd give you a roundup of some recent reads that have distracted me and made me smile! ![]() Here to Stay by Adriana Herrera IndieBound (Audio) | Amazon My heart! Found family, a heroine to root for, a hero to do...anything for. This novel had me turning pages with sweet anticipation and the pay off was worth it. ![]() The First Rule of Hookups by Nina Crespo (Audiobook) IndieBound | Amazon This book....whew! It was fun and sexy. I listened to the audiobook during my commute and the time flew by. Be warned, you may need to up your A/C! ![]() Something To Talk About by Meryl Wilsner (Audiobook) IndieBound | Amazon So much yearning! I've had this book since May but couldn't focus well on my paper copies, so I started the audiobook and flew through. This novel is charming and pointed and a sloooooooow burn. ![]() Love Delayed in Dublin by Moni Boyce IndieBound | Amazon Second chance romance after a magical night together? Escape to Ireland? Yes, please! This book had my heart! ![]() 'Meet Me In Paradise by Libby Hubscher IndieBound | Amazon This book isn't out until spring, but pre-order and you won't regret it. Sisters, personal growth, a vacation in paradise, a lovely romance...I ugly cried at laughed out loud at this perfect women's fiction read. Up Next On My TBR
I convinced my friends to join me on Instagram this fall to share their flirting fails as we get close to the release of How to Fail at Flirting on December 1 and all these incredible 2020 releases. Check out my upcoming guests and their 2020 books!
About DeniseDenise reads romance novels, writes research papers, can be found humming "Baby Shark" long after her toddler has gone to bed, and loves ruining her character's lives but then giving them happily ever afters. She is a member of Romance Writers of America® and a 2019 Golden Heart® Finalist, and her debut novel HOW TO FAIL AT FLIRTING will be out fall 2020 from Berkley. Archives
May 2021